Tag Archives: fight anxiety

Top 10 Natural Remedies To Calm Your Anxiety

Posted on October 27, 2015 in Personal Growth by Sandra Bienkowski

Sometimes anxiety is just a troubling feeling that something isn’t right. Anxiety can show up as panic attacks, excessive worry or trouble sleeping, and it can be a nuisance or downright debilitating. To help you shift to a state of ease, we’ve rounded up 10 ways to quiet down your anxiety naturally.

1. Eat your breakfast
Calm your anxiety.

Skipping breakfast can make your blood sugar low and increase the likelihood of anxiety. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal with strawberries or blueberries for a powerhouse combination of complex carbs to boost your serotonin levels and antioxidants to protect your body at a cellular level.



2. Practice meditation

Calm your anxiety. The science is in and the deliberate practice of mindfulness meditation—paying attention to the present moment without judgment—can lessen stress and anxiety as well as boost creativity and improve productivity. Enjoy all the benefits by mastering the art of clearing your mind.

Read the rest of this article on Live Happy: Top 10 Natural Remedies To Calm Your Anxiety